Sandy V. Sanchez



Sandy V. Sanchez is a Photographer based in New York City.

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Sandy V. Sanchez is an inspired photographer born and raised in Dominican Republic and currently living in New York City for the past 12 years. Her knowledge and New York experience has brought to life her desire and passion for photography.

Sandy’s overwhelming passion to capture the perfect image and transforming her clients’ vision into reality is a driving force in her life. She finds fulfillment in her career by helping others implement their business ideas and/or creating content for personal use. Sandy’s goal is to provide the best possible outcome with her talent.

Her dream of coming to New York from Dominican Republic to grow, learn and explore…has become a reality. Paying her dues and working endless nights in the service industry, Sandy’s drive and vision has blossomed into doing what she loves most: Photography, and capturing a person’s perfect moment on film.

At the end of the day, Sandy is a person that likes and sincerely enjoys seeing a smile on people’s faces from what she creates, making every single moment memorable and providing a positive photoshoot experience.

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